President Obama's speech accepting theobel Peace Prize this past week has won unlikely plaudits from conservatives, who say he injected a bit of militaristic realism into a committee founded on the lofty notion of world peace.
Liz Cheney hit Obama on FOX over the weekend for hisobel speech, calling it "shameful," and "slandering" the CIA. "There were certainly parts of his speech with which We wholeheartedly agree. And We think it was really good frankly to
liz cheney Liz Cheney Blast Obama:
A Chronology of Failure 3 hours to respond. 24 hours later off to the golf course. Then more relaxing and yucking it up with friends in Hawaii. 3 days later, brief tie-less press conference. Then back to the golf course.
Snark of the Day, from Liz Cheney's Keep America Safe, video: Hat tip: Ben Smith, Politico. Devastating!
liz cheney Cheney:
GEORGE WASHINGTON, unlike the pro-torture Bush/Cheney, ordered his men not to torture prisoners lest the Americans become like the evil people they were fighting. LIZ CHENEY: Heads new group called, preposterously, 'Keep America Safe'
Officials in a small Michigan town featured in a new video about Guantanamo by Liz Cheney's national security group want her to know that they're not falling.
liz cheney Sunday Talk Shows: 1/10/10 - governmentality