WASHINGTON – Democratic Sens. Christopher Dodd of Connecticut and Byron Dorgan oforth Dakota won't seek re-election this fall, party officials say, bringing to four the number of open Senate seats Democrats must defend to protect their majority.Adding to the party's woes: officials said Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter planned to announce Wednesday that he won't run for a second term inovember, according to two Democrats with knowledge of Ritter's decision.The moves come at the start of an election year that's shaping up to be challenging one for lawmakers of all political stripes, and particularly for Democrats. Anti-incumbent sentiment is rippling through the electorate, a majority of the country says it' on the wrong track, and the party in power typically gets blamed for the nation's troubles.Dodd, 66, a five-term senator whose popularity in Connecticut has tumbled since his failed 2008 presidential bid and who has faced criticism over allegations he got a favorable deal on a mortgage, was expected to disclose his decision Wednesday, according to two Democratic officials with knowledge of his plans. They spoke only on condition of anonymity ahead of Dodd's announcement.Dorgan, a moderate who was first elected to the Senate in 1992 after serving a dozen years in the House, said Tuesday he reached the decision after discussing his future with family over the holidays. Dorgan, 67, said: "Although We still have a passion for public service and enjoy our work in the Senate, We have other interests and We have other things We would like to pursue outside of public life."Democrats face a challenging environment as they seek to maintain their advantage in the Senate, where they hold an effective 60-40 majority, including two independents who align themselves with Democrats. That's just enough to break Republican filibusters if all 60 stick together.The decisions by Dodd and Dorgan mean Democrats now will have to defend open seats in four states. The others are Delaware and Illinois, where Sens. Ted Kaufman, who has Vice President Joe Biden's old seat, and Roland Burris, who has President Barack Obama's old seat, aren't running for full terms.Republicans, for their part, are defending six open seats, in Ohio, Florida, Missouri,ew Hampshire, Kentucky and Kansas.Dodd is chairman of Senate Banking Committee, which was at the center of efforts to deal with the economic meltdown. And he has played a prominent role in the debate over overhauling health care, taking over for his friend Sen. Ted Kennedy during his illness and then death. Given Dodd's bad poll standing, other Democrats have gone out of their way to give him the spotlight in hopes he could recover beforeovember.He ran for president in 2008, moving his family to Iowa for weeks before the caucuses and angering Connecticut constituents. He dropped out after a poor showing in Iowa. Since then, his popularity continued to drop in Connecticut as he faced inquires into a Countrywide mortgage loan.With the embattled Dodd stepping aside, Democrats can now try to recruit a more popular candidate to run in Democratic-leaning state, bolstering the prospects of thwarting a Republican victory.Dorgan's decision, on the other hand, cuts the other way and stunned members of his party.Democrats were confident heading into the new year that Dorgan, a moderate Democrat in a Republican-leaning state, would run for re-election even as rumors intensified that Republican Gov. John Hoeven would challenge him inovember. Early polling showed Dorgan trailing Hoeven in a hypothetical contest, and Democrats expected a competitive race if the matchup materialized.Hoeven has not announced a candidacy but he told The Associated Press on Tuesday that he was "very seriously" considering a Senate race.Democrats quickly started recruiting a candidate to run in Dorgan's place. Democratic Rep. Earl Pomeroy, who was first elected to the House in 1992, could be interested in seeking the Senate seat, along with